This site will be for a Holiday home which sleeps up to 8 people to let on the 7 Lakes Country Park in Crowle North Lincolnshire. (As advertised on TV)
A fishing pass will be included in the cost of hire for one licence holder. Other passes can be purchased at the time of booking.
Hire will be Mon - Fri or Fri - Mon POA other times can be arranged subject to availability.
There is a railway station within walking distance, which gives access to seaside resorts for those of you who don't fish.
There are currently 7 lakes for fishing in (more info to follow)
Please bear with us whilst we construct this site there will be plenty of information regarding things to do near or around the site.
If you would like like any further information meanwhile, please don't hesitate to contact us for more information by following the email link on the contacts page.
Hope to see you soon.
The Avarod Team